The Walden "Strato-Flex" is a magic model with a 5 stringer system designed by Steve Walden to control flex. The middle stringer runs the length of the board, the remaining four stringers are graduated and run about 2/3-1/2 way down the board. This board has outrageous flex, the idea of the Strato-flex is to control flex where you want it most, in the nose and tail, maintaining a flatter middle. The Strato-flex is made of light weight EPS foam for strength.
Dimensions: 9'4 x 19 1/4 x 23 x 14 1/4 x 3
Color: Light blue tint top and bottom with double pin lines.
About EPS: Expanded Polystyrene is a type of foam also known as styrofoam or bead foam. Polystyrene beads are expanded to their desired density by using steam and a variable quantity of beads in a mold. Hand shaped EPS/Epoxy boards are different from molded Epoxy boards which is what we traditionally mean when we say Epoxy. Since the core is very light, the finished product is lighter than a polyurethane construction and more rigid. All of our Startto-Flex boards are made of EPS.