- Flat, stable deck, with steep, low apex, tucked soft rails
- Slight vee in nose to free up the lower rocker, transitions into a shallow single concave, into a deep double concave vee, for both speed and control.
- Wide, stable squash tail, glides across anything, and holds speed through turns, even in small summer slop
- Forward thickness flow, with wedged “beak” nose, for drive and paddle power.
Black Sheep Construction
- Light weight, 1.5lb EPS blank / high-quality multi-axial carbon fibre
- The unique performance of boards constructed with black sheep comes from the Triax Carbon. It is an “un-crimped”, multi-directional carbon, which enhances and controls torsional force from rail to rail
- Excellent flex rebound speed with the feeling of a quick response, when loaded up under pressure
- Compared to standard carbon fibre Black Sheep features fibres that lay flatter, retain less resin, remain smoother, straighter and stronger, with a more natural flex.